Medical Astrology
Medical eastern astrology helps to connect the five elements of life to body parts, organs and emotions. Your body’s strengths and weaknesses may be informed by your unique self element. Five element theory is the foundation of many different healing modalities such as traditional eastern medicine, acupuncture and kinesiology,
“For this is the great error of our day in the treatment of the human body, that physicians first separate the soul from the body.” —Plato
Medical astrology associates parts of the body (as well as diseases and treatments) with the nature of the five elements and the 12 astrological signs. With ancient roots in India, China, Egypt,Turkey, Greece and medieval Europe, the art of linking the cosmos with the human body and the medicines and plants that treat it is at least 5,000 years old.
“Most medical astrologers are holistic in their approach to health because we include the spiritual, the mental, the emotional, as well as the physical of the person who seeks counsel. As a medical astrologer, the goal is not to prescribe for the client but rather to become a clearinghouse of information, in addition to educating a client about possible choices.”
Not all astrologers are masters in medical applications, so ask. Then you’ll be able to take their reading or suggestions to a practitioner of your choice. The addition of astrological counselling can be a path to discovering deeper spiritual solutions.
If you would like a deep dive into addressing any medical concerns for yourself or your children, a four pillars of destiny chart is something you need in your toolkit.
Investment / $250
. A printable digital chart designed specifically based on your astrology and self-element.
. A detailed 20+ page printable intuitive report outlining findings, analyses and assessment of your birth chart and medical profile. Throughout your report, I will cover medical astrology, lifestyle and career recommendations, colours, foods and locations that help you heal and thrive.
. 1 hour in person or phone call deep dive covering report findings and opportunity to ask questions.